

Contact Information

Victor Barrera

LifeNet Mexico

Video #1 – Joven Suicida Transformado

Video #2 – to come 

Video #3 – to come

El es Brayan, un joven que estaba atrapado en la cárcel de las adiciones, padecía de idealización suicida, a causa de depresión, cuando llegamos a San Simón, una comunidad rural al sur del estado de Yucatán, aproximadamente a 116 kilómetros de la ciudad de Mérida, supimos de su caso, y comenzamos a tratarlo con técnicas de intervención psicológica. Hoy en día Brayan es un joven libre de la adición, gracias a que está en una iglesia cristiana. Cuando Brayan da su testimonio, dice que a veces le viene pensamientos malos, pero ahora Él recurre a la biblia, abre el libro de Filipenses 4:16 el cual lee en voz alta , eso le trae paz a su vida . Hasta el día de hoy Brayan se a mantenido “limpio” de sustancias, lleva en este estado aproximadamente un año.

XV Celebración

LifeLaunch México al estilo donde las niñas cruzan el umbral de la niñez a la edad adulta

Please contact for further Information: 

Bjorn & Callie Schmidt 

Modesto, California

Uganda - Gulu

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Contact Information

Reynold Mainse

https://www.facebook. com/reynoldmainse/vid- eos/745866710725677

100,000 swings of a hammer

Imagine your job is to gather big rocks, sit in the dirt, and, with a hand-held hammer, pound them into smaller pieces. You do this day in and day out so that your kids can go to school and you can have food on the table. This is life for the women in the Gulu rock quarry.

These precious women saw firsthand what World Embrace is building for their children. They were so moved that they told us they wanted to donate to the Park. What can these women give? Gravel… A truckload of hand-pounded rocks will be used in the park’s construction.

This is hard and dangerous work. These women don’t have much, but with joy, they are giving sacrificially. Kathy and I are inspired and moved by their generosity.

Please consider joining these precious women in donating what you can to help construct Gulu Community Park. They are longing for their children to go to the park where they will be able to experience, explore and dream of all they can be.

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African-style celebration and worship. This was so exciting and rewarding for Kathy and me to hold our “first” private pre-opening event at Gulu Community Park, Uganda. This was to appreciate our staff, their families, and a visiting team from Trinity Church Cedar Hill, TX. We had a blast – Like and Share. Thanks

First time the courts are being used by young athletes. The painting of the courts has begun. If you look closely you can see the fourth courts off in the distance.

Costa Rica

Please contact for further Information: 

Contact Information

Evan & Shera Mooy